
Wâhkôhtowin is a Cree word which denotes the interconnected nature of relationships, communities, and natural systems. Its literal meaning is “kinship”. The Little Jumper When I was younger, Siksika Elders blessed me and gave me a Blackfoot name, “Linaaksoopaipii,” which translates to Little Jumper. Most people tend to follow the traditional path. I noticed that […]

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Wâhkôhtowin ᐊᐧᐦᑯᐦᑐᐃᐧᐣ | An Intern’s Perspective



Wâhkôhtowin is a Cree word which denotes the interconnected nature of relationships, communities, and natural systems. Its literal meaning is “kinship”. The Little Jumper When I was younger, Siksika Elders blessed me and gave me a Blackfoot name, “Linaaksoopaipii,” which translates to Little Jumper. Most people tend to follow the traditional path. I noticed that […]

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Wâhkôhtowin ᐊᐧᐦᑯᐦᑐᐃᐧᐣ | An Intern’s Perspective
